• Philosophy of Neuroscience joint seminar

    From Foundational to Ethical Issues in Neuroscience

  • The Cincinnati-Bordeaux Montaigne Philosophy of Neuroscience Project

    A collaborative seminar in Philosophy of Neuroscience, held weekly through videoconference, between the University of Cincinnati and the University Bordeaux Montaigne.

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    Training Philosophy students and Neuroscience students in Philosophy of Neuroscience

    Exploring philosophy of neuroscience

    This seminar will familiarize students with contemporary theories and debates in philosophy of neuroscience, and the historical development of philosophy of neuroscience as a distinctire area of study. Students will learn to recognize and explain the live philosophical positions, and to explain and evaluate the most significant reasons in favor of and against each view.

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    Fostering International Collaborations between Neuroscientists and Philosophers

    Crossing disciplinary and national boundaries

    This seminar seeks to develop interactions between philosophers and neuroscientists from their initial training. In a spirit of intellectual curiosity and sharing, across disciplinary and national boundaries.

  • The Blog

    Students productions

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Contributors

    Professors in charge of the seminar

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    Cédric Brun

    Associate Professor in Philosophy of Science, Head of the Master Program at the University Bordeaux Montaigne.

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    Thomas W. Polger

    Professor of philosophy, Fellow of the Graduate School, and Head of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati.

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